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The bedroom – an important oasis of calm for recharging your batteries

The sleeping environment has a significant influence on how we sleep. It is important that you feel comfortable in your bedroom. However, the bedroom should also fulfil certain conditions to ensure restful sleep.

If you fall asleep on the sofa in front of the television, you have a poor chance of sleeping well all night. This is because the sleeping environment has a significant influence on how we sleep. Of course, it is important that you feel comfortable in your bedroom. But the bedroom should also fulfil certain conditions so that restful sleep is possible. This is because we can train our brain to equate bed and sleep as long as we refrain from other activities there. Eating breakfast, reading and watching TV in bed may sound cosy – but it won’t improve your sleep behaviour. Desks, filing cabinets and clothes drying racks disturb your sleep. Brightness and noise also have a negative effect on healthy sleep.

Bedroom – the bed takes centre stage

The bed is the most important piece of furniture in the bedroom. As well as being large enough, its position is crucial for a good night’s sleep. It should be placed with the head end against a solid wall or have a solid headboard. This supports people’s need for security. There should be no windows or radiators on this wall. Sources of heat or cold close to the head cause freezing or sweating, which impairs sleep and health. Water or heating pipes in the wall also prevent a good night’s sleep. The door in view has a calming effect on the sleeper, in contrast to wall cupboards, shelves or picture frames hanging above the headboard. Ceiling beams above the headboard also have an oppressive effect. Furnishings and decorations in the bedroom should have a calming effect. Furniture that is reduced to the essentials contributes to this. The wardrobe keeps things tidy, but can also have an overwhelming effect if it is too large. It should therefore not be placed directly in front of or behind the bed. Soft colours such as grey and blue are suitable for the walls. A bright red colour is out of place.

Ideal conditions in the bedroom: dark and no electrosmog

Light discourages sleep. This is why it is important to have options for darkening the bedroom. Curtains, blinds and shutters prevent unwanted brightness and heating in summer. Lighting in the bedroom can be reduced to the bare essentials.

Atmospheric alternatives such as wallwashers or bedside lamps that can be dimmed and used individually are more suitable than bright ceiling lamps. Electronic devices do not belong in the bedroom. The blue light and electrosmog from smartphones, PCs or televisions affect the sleep-wake rhythm. In addition, electrical appliances are hidden sources of heat that additionally heat up the bedroom.

Room temperature and air quality in the bedroom

The room temperature has a strong influence on sleep. A comfortable sleeping climate should prevail under the covers, i.e. the sleeper should ideally not sweat or freeze. A room temperature of approx. 18° C is recommended. The room temperature should not fall below 16° C, as the muscles cramp when it is cold and a feeling of freezing makes it difficult to fall asleep. In winter, it is usually unavoidable to heat the bedroom. It is better to turn the heating down or reduce it to the optimum sleeping temperature at bedtime at the latest, as warm heated air dries out the mucous membranes.

Sufficient oxygen in the bedroom is particularly important for a good night’s sleep. The humidity should be around 50 per cent. Air that is too dry hinders breathing. Shock ventilation is more effective than continuous ventilation with the window constantly tilted. Open the window fully for about 15 minutes before going to bed and in the morning after getting up – this replaces the old, stale air with fresh air. In winter, it is better to sleep with the window closed, while in summer the window can be tilted or fully open. Under no circumstances should you sleep in a draught.

Air conditioning or fans can help to cool a room before sleeping. However, artificial air fresheners should be switched off while you sleep to prevent colds.


The bedroom is a feel-good room where TV, PC and desk have no place. A sufficiently large bed is important. Otherwise, less furniture and accessories are better to create a real room for sleeping. Above all, lighting conditions and room climate are crucial for a sleep-promoting environment.


Please note when setting up the bed

With sloping ceilings, it is best to position the bed facing away from the slope. This prevents a constricting, oppressive feeling. Sufficient space on the sides of the bed is not only practical for getting in and out of bed, but also contributes to relaxed sleeping behaviour.

Did you know that not all plants are suitable for the bedroom?

Only plants that convert stale air into oxygen at night and do not develop too strong a scent of their own are good companions through the night.

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