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billerbeck sustainability as a matter of course

Sustainability is not a corporate goal for billerbeck, but part of our self-image. This has a direct impact on the people who work, shop or collaborate here.
billerbeck Unternehmensphilosophie - Nachhaltigkeit

Sustainability – a frequently used buzzword, but there is much more to it than most people realise. Sustainability is playing an increasingly important role not only for consumers, but also for producers. However, in order to be able to assess the sustainability of a product, it is important to realise that sustainability is not limited to small sub-areas, but encompasses a product or production system in its entirety.

  • Which materials are the best choice for people and nature now and in the future?
  • How can we use our resources so efficiently that nothing is wasted and we produce economically?
  • What corporate strategy will ensure our long-term success?

In order to achieve sustainability, we must not use more resources in production than nature and people can provide again. Anyone who takes sustainability seriously must therefore pay attention to many things.

This also applies to us at billerbeck. We at billerbeck are aware of this and know that we are only at the beginning of a process that will both accompany and influence our future decisions.

Because wanting to achieve ‘more sustainability’ is an ongoing task that will always present new challenges.

Sustainability is firmly anchored in billerbeck’s corporate philosophy

Sustainability is not a corporate goal for billerbeck, but part of our self-image. This has a direct impact on the people who work here, buy from us or work in partnership with us. In our corporate philosophy, we have stipulated that we want to set an example in our environment. We are therefore motivated to think and act in a socially and ecologically responsible manner. Furthermore, we are convinced that sustainable management is of essential importance both now and in the future. For this reason, we think in the long term and are constantly and intensively analysing the following topics.

billerbeck customer satisfaction

It is important to us that our customers enjoy our products for as long as possible and that we offer them good advice and comprehensive service.

Quality of raw materials

We focus on using materials that are optimal for people and the environment.

Conserving resources

The careful and efficient use of raw materials is of great importance to us. We therefore endeavour to avoid waste and chemicals with the utmost care.


We are convinced that the highest product quality and best service can only be achieved through respectful cooperation between employees and suppliers.

The concept of sustainability, with its original focus on the environment, has therefore long since evolved. People are increasingly recognising the extent to which the environment, economy and society influence and depend on each other. billerbeck therefore understands sustainability in three dimensions, entirely in line with the three-pillar model of sustainability, the simultaneous and equal implementation of ecological, economic and social goals.

Ecological sustainability at billerbeck

By this we mean creating an opportunity for nature to regenerate and preserving it for future generations. Our environmental management system ensures operational environmental protection – ecology – at billerbeck. Durable products and modern production conditions enable us to operate in harmony with nature.

Economic sustainability at billerbeck

Our quality management works on customer satisfaction and therefore also on the economy. By reducing the use of materials and chemicals, which also benefits the environment, we cultivate a way of doing business that focuses on long-term stability rather than short-term profit maximisation.

Social sustainability at billerbeck

Our occupational health and safety management, which includes high social standards for both our own employees and those of our suppliers, covers the area of social sustainability. Another high priority for us is fair and respectful cooperation, which should enable all employees to develop freely.

We see the great opportunity for our company in satisfying ecological, economic and social goals in equal measure and achieving an appropriate balance between these three dimensions. It is particularly important for us to make real compromises and always ask ourselves the question when it comes to new innovations: Which new products, processes, regulations and initiatives promote all three objectives?

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