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Sustainability at billerbeck – CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT

billerbeck sustainability: Find out here which resource-saving measures we have been implementing for a long time to continuously improve our energy efficiency.

In order to continuously improve our energy efficiency, we want to implement resource-saving measures.

In practice, we have already realised this plan by implementing an internal heat control system for our offices. With the help of a control function, our heating systems switch on automatically during core working hours. In this way, we avoid unnecessary heat energy and realise important savings.

In addition to the installation of the photovoltaic system for the supply of CO2-neutral electricity from solar energy and the purchase of electric cars as company vehicles, a company-owned electric charging station was also installed on the company premises.

The energy audits, which have been mandatory since 2015 and are also carried out regularly at billerbeck, are an important source of information for us to find out in which areas we are already achieving good results and where improvements still need to be made. According to the 2014 report, for example, we have started to switch our lighting to LED technology.

In addition, we are also focussing on ecological measures in production. Energy efficiency is also taken into account when modernising facilities and buildings, for example when installing the extraction system, which also results in significant electricity savings.

Other notable examples that underline our commitment to climate-neutral or environmentally friendly behaviour include the insulation of various buildings and the purchase of machinery, which has enabled us to reduce both waste and dust emissions. Furthermore, we replaced both the heating burner and the air compressor in 2019, which is an example of the great importance billerbeck places on ensuring that our machines are state of the art, which not only allows us to work more efficiently but also results in significant energy savings.

To protect our employees and the environment, our systems are also noise-reduced. We endeavour to avoid unnecessary empty runs and reduce CO2 emissions by carrying out transport rounds.

Corporate Social Responsibility – Report:
You can find detailed information about sustainability at billerbeck
here: https://billerbeck.shop/en/csr-report

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