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Coffee in the morning – a good start to the day?

Waking up with coffee in the morning is a ritual for many. But is it really useful, are there healthier alternatives and when does it rob us of sleep?
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For many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is simply part of getting up, waking up and getting the day off to a good start. Going to the coffee machine is a daily ritual, accompanied by the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee that wafts seductively through the house. But is it really a good idea to drink this hot stimulant as soon as you get up? And what effects does coffee have on our body in the morning? Does coffee perhaps even help you lose weight? We address these and other questions about coffee in the morning in this article.

What effect does coffee have?

Coffee has a positive effect on our body in many ways. The caffeine it contains has a stimulating and energising effect, which is why many people swear by the wake-up effects of a cup of coffee, especially in the morning. However, in addition to caffeine, coffee beans also contain numerous other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on our bodies. For example, coffee is said to reduce the risk of certain diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to a certain extent. Of course, as always, it depends on the dose: between two and four cups of the hot drink are ideal. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should definitely switch to low-acid coffee varieties and ideally not drink the hot drink on an empty stomach in order to avoid possible irritation of the stomach lining, heartburn or abdominal pain.

Is it a good idea to drink coffee in the morning?

It is well known that the caffeine contained in coffee wakes you up. It is also the reason why many people stop drinking coffee in the afternoon to prevent any problems falling asleep and staying asleep in the evening. The stimulating effect of caffeine is a desirable effect of morning coffee for many people and it is hard to imagine the routine after getting up without it. In fact, when we wake up, our body naturally releases the hormone cortisol, a messenger substance that helps us to start the day feeling fit and alert.

Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, is present in large quantities in our blood when we get up. The caffeine contained in morning coffee additionally stimulates the synthesis of cortisol, which further increases the level of the hormone in the blood. As a result of this additional increase, the heart rate can rise and the body reacts more sensitively to stress, hectic and tension, which can have a negative impact on a harmonious start to the day. It is therefore advisable to wait a while before having a cup of coffee in the morning and only drink it when the cortisol level, which has increased as a result of waking up, naturally falls again. This is the case around 1.5 to 2 hours after getting up, regardless of whether this is early in the morning or late in the morning.

Can you lose weight with coffee in the morning?

As already mentioned, the stimulating effect of coffee activates the body’s own cortisol synthesis, which speeds up the pulse rate and stimulates the metabolism. Ideal for anyone who wants to lose weight. However, there are a few things to bear in mind: Ideally, coffee should be low in calories, i.e. without milk, sugar or sweeteners. In addition, attention should be paid to the quantity of coffee, because here too, less is more. To avoid a habituation effect on the body, a maximum of three cups of black coffee or espresso should be drunk throughout the day.

Another side effect of coffee that promotes weight loss is that the hot drink curbs the appetite and can therefore counteract cravings. Of course, anyone who wants to lose weight should make sure they eat a healthy, balanced diet and get enough exercise to achieve optimum results. To summarise, however, it can be said that coffee in the morning can be very useful for anyone who wants to lose a few kilos.

How does coffee affect sleep?

As already mentioned, most people are aware that coffee and sleep don’t really go well together. The caffeine contained in the hot drink is a real sleep robber. It has a quick and stimulating effect and generally has a half-life of around three to five hours in the human organism of an adult. This also explains why many people drink their last cup of coffee of the day in the afternoon to prevent a negative impact on sleep quality. There are even recommendations to avoid coffee from lunchtime onwards in order to prevent any problems with falling asleep and staying asleep. As an alternative, decaffeinated coffee can of course always be used, which can also be enjoyed in the late afternoon and evening without any problems.

What alternatives are there to coffee in the morning?

There are several alternatives that you can drink instead of coffee in the morning to get your circulation going. Black tea or green tea also have a stimulating effect, as does mate tea. If you want to avoid caffeine, you can try ginger tea, which has a particularly stimulating effect on the metabolism. The well-known grain coffees made from spelt, rye or barley are also popular, which also do not contain caffeine and taste more or less like real coffee.

In our blog, you will also find valuable tips to help you get up early in the morning, such as the morning grouch. And we show you why healthy sleep is so important. We have also already dealt with the topic of losing weight here in the article Slim in your sleep.

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