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Couples discuss: one or two duvets?

Sleeping together under a big duvet, snuggled up together, is pure romance for some, but a horror for others. Why single duvets don’t mean the end of great love.

Sleeping together under a big duvet, snuggled up together, is pure romance for some, but a horror for others. Why single duvets don’t mean the end of great love.

Waking up at night freezing because the other person has rolled themselves into the whole duvet with relish, shocking encounters with icicle feet … Any enthusiasm for cuddling up under a duvet is quickly lost. But are separate duvets the first step towards separate beds and then separate paths? We can give the all-clear.

Men sleep differently, women too

According to sleep research, there is a lot to be said in favour of using two duvets. This is because men and women have fundamentally different sleeping behaviour.
Evolution has made it so that women sleep much better without their partner. The opposite is true for men: they sleep more peacefully when they can snuggle up to their partner at night. The reason for this is that the woman is supposed to watch over her baby with a light sleep. And that doesn’t mean the man. But the man usually sleeps soundly because he feels safe and secure.
The fact is that women have a greater need for warmth than men, as statistically speaking they are usually smaller and lighter. This also means that they get cold feet more quickly and the aforementioned nightly scramble for the duvet is the result.

Sleep type kung fu fighter?

What else plays a role? Different bedtimes and wake-up times, reading or watching TV in bed, open or closed windows … all kinds of factors can prevent a good night’s sleep under certain circumstances. In addition, everyone moves around a different amount during sleep and this ranges from the quiet mummy type to the agile kung fu fighter. The consequences of different sleeping behaviour are more pronounced under one duvet than under two.

A duvet that connects

Despite these adversities, there are predominantly psychological reasons in favour of a shared duvet. Closeness, safety and security are perceived much more strongly. You are literally under the same duvet even when you sleep. A sign of strengthening or renewing the relationship. This feeling alone can be extremely sleep-inducing.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which option you prefer.

In any case, you will find the right size of duvet for single and double duvets. From the classic single variant in 135 x 200 cm to comfort sizes such as 155 x 220 cm to large duvets in 200 x 200 cm, 200 x 220 cm, 220 x 220 cm, 220 x 240 cm, 240 x 240 cm or even 240 x 260 cm, which are ideal for sleeping together.

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