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Animal bedfellows – cat or dog in bed

Cat or dog in bed? – The question of whether pets should be in bed divides opinion around the world. We bring light into the darkness.

Cat or dog in bed? – The question of whether pets should be in bed divides opinion around the world. While some are in favour and enjoy the nightly cuddles with their four-legged friends, others bristle at the very idea. There are many reasons why some are in favour and others are strictly against it. Today we would like to look at the pros and cons of having a dog in bed and shed some light on what really speaks for and against sharing your bed with your pet.

Dogs in bed – what’s against it?

In fact, there are few real arguments against having a dog in bed with you. As long as the animal does not display any territorial or resource-defensive behaviour and there are no other behavioural problems, the dog and owner can use the bed together with a clear conscience. However, if the dog starts to defend the bed against humans or becomes aggressive towards people who may be sleeping in the bed, this is problematic. In these cases, you should definitely refrain from sharing the bed with your dog at night. It is also particularly important that the dog realises that the human determines whether and when the pet is allowed to go to bed. If these roles are clearly allocated, even experts have few objections to dogs in bed.

Is it a question of hygiene whether the dog sleeps in the bed with you?

Good hygiene should be ensured in any case. For example, the dog should be wormed at regular intervals and should also be free of vermin on the outside. This is because ticks can also infect the dog owner with Lyme disease under certain circumstances. From a hygiene point of view, it is advisable to change the bed linen more often if an animal sleeps in the bed with you. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you should refrain from cuddling with your dog at night. In these cases, it may also be advisable not to let the pet sleep in the bedroom at all.

Who dogs should not share a bed with

Experts agree that it is a complete taboo to allow children and pets to sleep together in bed. This is because the combination of child and dog in bed can be quite dangerous. Small children and babies are particularly inferior in weight to large and massive dogs and can therefore easily be rolled over or crushed. In general, children and dogs should not be left unattended together, even outside the bed.

What’s in favour of a dog in bed?

It is undisputed that pets have positive effects on us humans. Our blood pressure drops, we relax and are happier. Pets can also help against depression. When the dog sleeps in the bed, it is pleasantly warm and cosy. The quality of sleep improves and you fall asleep more quickly. Cuddling with a dog releases oxytocin, which promotes stress reduction, alleviates pain and increases general well-being. Sleeping together can also have a positive effect on the bond and relationship between the dog and its owner.

How can you wean a dog off the bed?

If you want to break your dog’s habit of sleeping in bed, this can be achieved with consistency, assertiveness and the odd treat. However, you have to be prepared for the fact that your animal bedmate will not leave the field without complaint. But if you offer your dog a nice and cosy basket in the bedroom or hallway and remain firm, you can usually train your dog to sleep in bed without any problems. You just have to be patient.

Cat in bed – nice and cosy

Cat owners naturally also like to share a bed with their furry friends. As with dogs, there are few objections to this, as long as general hygiene is maintained. Like dogs, cats who sleep in bed with us have a positive effect on their human bedfellows in many ways. Here too, however, small children and babies should not sleep with cats.

Our conclusion: Whether you should share a bed with a dog or cat is a question that cannot be answered in general terms. There are many things that can speak in favour, but also some points that speak against it. And so it should be up to each pet owner to decide whether to sleep and cuddle in bed with their dog or cat.

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