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Donation NABU

We have once again made a donation of € 1,000 to NABU Kraichtal. This will be used for regional projects.

With great respect for nature and the environment, we are grateful for our habitat. To ensure that it is preserved for a long time, we treat it with care and have been supporting NABU for many years with financial resources for important nature conservation projects to preserve biodiversity and valuable habitats on this earth.

We have once again made a donation of € 1,000 to NABU Kraichtal. This will be used for regional projects.

Hoopoe – Bird of the Year 2022

The hoopoe is the ‘Bird of the Year 2022’ and is probably known to many from the children’s song ‘The Bird Wedding’. NABU has been successfully campaigning for the reintroduction of the bird in Kraichtal for 5 years now. The planned activities include the continued construction and installation of nesting boxes.

billerbeck Spende NABU_Vogel-des-Jahres_Wiedehopf
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