Dream & Sleep
How can we boost our memory performance through sleep, why do we sleep less well on holiday, what is sleep tourism all about and how can we prevent microsleep? You can find the answers to these questions, tips and the latest scientific findings on how to get a good night’s sleep here.
How the sleep hormones serotonin and melatonin influence your sleep rhythm
Sunlight influences the sleep rhythm. But what exactly happens in your body when the sleep hormones melatonin and serotonin gain the upper hand?
Kids: Sleeping can be learnt – these sleep tips help
Primary school kids in particular often don’t want to go to bed on time at night. This can lead to a lack of sleep, which has an impact on school performance.
Twitching when falling asleep
Twitching when falling asleep is a widespread phenomenon that is generally harmless. But why do we twitch when we fall asleep? We get to the bottom of the cause
Men’s sleep: Do men sleep differently to women?
In fact, the sleeping behaviour of men and women differs significantly. You can find out which characteristics make men’s sleep so special here.
Already kissed today? The goodnight kiss – for a good night’s sleep
We should all kiss more: Whether it’s a goodnight kiss or other kisses. Kissing has so many positive effects on our bodies and the feeling of togetherness between people.
Cheers to sleeping in
Opinions differ on sleeping in – what is a dream for some is a nightmare for others? But what are the pros and cons of sleeping in?
Co-sleeping – when children sleep in the family bed
Sleeping together with children in family bed has its advantages. You can find out about the disadvantages of co-sleeping & what you need to bear in mind here.
Microsleep – when falling asleep becomes a danger
Microsleep is one of the main causes of accidents. We show you how you can recognise the threat of microsleep at an early stage and successfully counteract it.
Your sleep influences health & memory
Sufficient sleep is vital. It improves memory and health. Sleep promotes concentration, lowers blood pressure and prevents heart attacks.
Sleep phases
People go through several sleep phases and sleep cycles each night. You can find out what happens in the brain and body during this time here.
The best tips against tiredness in winter, hibernation
With these tips against the prevailing tiredness in winter, you will sleep better, be in a better mood and have a better attitude to life.
Sleep disorders – causes and the best tips
Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from sleep disorders. But what are the causes and what can be done about it? We have the best tips.