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Already kissed today? The goodnight kiss – for a good night’s sleep

We should all kiss more: Whether it’s a goodnight kiss or other kisses. Kissing has so many positive effects on our bodies and the feeling of togetherness between people.

Whether on the forehead, cheek or mouth, the goodnight kiss before going to sleep always conveys a tender feeling of security and family safety, even in adulthood. Because the goodnight kiss takes us back to our childhood. Back when our parents used to put us to bed, read us a story and help us fall asleep. It reminds us of a carefree time full of tenderness and love.

Goodnight kisses for children

Bedtime rituals are important for children. These often include reading or reading aloud a book together, listening to an audio book or singing a lullaby. The final part of the evening bedtime ritual, which is usually accompanied by mum or dad, is the goodnight kiss, which is usually placed on the cheek or forehead in the family environment – as a sign of security, protection and love.

Kissing is beautiful

But it’s not just the glimpse into the past that makes the goodnight kiss so beautiful. Because kissing in and of itself has many positive effects on our bodies. A goodnight kiss – like any other kiss – not only caresses our soul. Among other things, kissing and physical contact release the cuddling hormone oxytocin, which calms us down and helps us to reduce stress. It triggers a sense of well-being and euphoria in us. Oxytocin also strengthens the feeling of connection between kissing partners.

Kissing is healthy

Kissing between lovers also strengthens the immune system, promotes blood circulation and exercises numerous facial muscles. This not only ensures firmer skin, but also a more youthful and fresher appearance. It also burns a few calories. This may not make kissing the ultimate slimming exercise, but it can certainly be seen as another positive aspect of kissing.

We should all kiss more

Whether it’s a goodnight kiss or other kisses, kissing has so many positive effects on our bodies and on the feeling of togetherness within a partnership or family that the only thing left to say is: long live kissing! Long live kissing!

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