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Grumpy in the morning? This will make it easier for you to get up!

Enjoy your morning rituals consciously and without stress – a refreshing shower and breakfast with your favourite music will get you going.

Whether you’re a sleepyhead, a late riser or a morning grouch, getting up in the morning is a daily ordeal for everyone. Instead of starting the day fresh and well rested, do you prefer to turn over again, keep pressing the alarm clock to snooze and snooze for a few more precious minutes in bed? We give you 6 tips on how not to oversleep in the morning and how to get out of bed better, even if you’re a morning grouch.

1. Learn to get up early: Don’t even try to jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock. But open your eyes and keep them open. Start lolling and stretching under the warm sheets – this will stimulate the circulation of any morning grouch even before you get out of bed.

2. Get in the mood for the day while still in bed. What are my plans for today? What are the highlights of the day? Go through the day’s schedule in your mind. This will awaken your mental faculties.it sich? Gehen Sie im Geist den Tagesablauf durch. Das weckt Ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten.

3. If you open your curtains first, you can get up better in the morning. Let light into your room. Brightness helps you to wake up. As long as it is dark, the body produces melatonin. And this hormone tells us that it is still bedtime.

4. Let fresh air into your bedroom along with the light. It’s best to stretch your head and upper body out of the window. Or start moving around on the balcony, terrace or garden. This will give your brain cells fresh oxygen. You’ll be awake and alert.

5. The cold also helps you wake up: In addition to fresh morning air, cold water helps to awaken the spirits of any morning grouch – be it as a face wash or in the shower.

6. Put on your favourite music now to get you in the mood and get you going. This will lift your spirits and get you ready for the day faster.

To avoid starting the morning grumpy, enjoy your morning rituals consciously and without stress: a refreshing shower, breakfast, slowly getting going, reading the news. Rather get up a few minutes earlier and give yourself time to get dressed and get to work. This will create an effective buffer between waking up in the morning and the demands of everyday life.

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