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Why is healthy sleep so important?

Good, healthy sleep is not only pleasant, but essential for survival. Our body and mind regenerate during the night. If sleep is disturbed, this can have devastating consequences for our overall health.

A good night’s sleep is not only pleasant, but essential for survival. Our body and mind regenerate during the night. If sleep is disturbed, this can have devastating consequences for our overall health.

How long does healthy sleep last?

You have probably wondered how many hours of sleep are healthy. In fact, a healthy amount of sleep varies over the course of a lifetime. We spend about a third of our lives asleep: Newborns can sleep up to 20 hours a day, whereas in retirement age we only need around 6-7 hours of sleep on average to wake up feeling refreshed. In addition, there is the individual constitution, health and whether you do physically strenuous work. There is no universal rule and the length of sleep varies from person to person. However, on average, 7-8 hours contribute to healthy and restful sleep.

Healthy sleep – regeneration for body, mind and soul

The fact is that healthy sleep is an immensely important function for our body to regenerate. Not only do muscles relax and joints are relieved, but our brain also uses the sleep phase to process the information gathered during the day. During the night, information is transferred from short-term to long-term memory (i.e. learned) and feelings and impressions are processed.

Healthy sleep and good quality sleep are important because if we don’t get the minimum amount of sleep on a regular basis, our immune system, concentration, memory, creativity, motivation and psyche suffer. This has far-reaching consequences for our everyday lives, our work and our interactions with other people.
People who sleep too little are usually tired, unable to concentrate, make mistakes at work more often and their mood also suffers, which means that their interactions with other people often deteriorate. Too little sleep means stress and stress makes us ill.

Sleeping too much has a negative effect on our health – sluggishness and tiredness accompany us throughout the day. Studies even show that late sleepers fall ill more often and that headaches and back pain, weight gain, heart disease and depression can be the result.

But too little sleep is not good for your health either. It reduces mental performance and leaves you feeling tired and unable to concentrate during the day. It also puts you in a bad mood and increases the risk of illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

How can you sleep better?

Everyone has had a bad night every now and then. This is normal. However, anyone who suffers from sleep problems over a longer period of time should urgently consult a doctor, as there may also be organic causes behind it.

Basically, we recommend that you give sleep the attention it deserves. It is so much more than just a dreamer’s pleasure – healthy sleep is absolutely essential for us humans and should therefore be given high priority.

Comforters, pillows and toppers support healthy and restful sleep: we at billerbeck are happy to help you create the optimum conditions for deep and restful sleep in your bedroom.

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