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Sleep is the best medicine: healthy sleep for colds & corona

Sleep is the best medicine. What folk wisdom says has been confirmed by science. T cells are responsible for fighting pathogens in the body.

Sleep is the best medicine. What has long been known as popular wisdom has recently been confirmed by science. Researchers at the Universities of Lübeck and Tübingen have shown that the T-cells responsible for fighting pathogens in the body are particularly active and efficient during the night. On the other hand, people who sleep too little or poorly have significantly lower T cell activity.

Professor Dr. Ingo Fietze, Head of the Interdisciplinary Sleep Medicine Centre at Charité in Berlin, is also aware of this: “If you sleep well, you automatically strengthen your immune system and do something for your health.” Whether high blood pressure, flu or even cancer – almost all diseases are positively influenced by sleep. Corona is probably no exception.

And that’s not all. Higher memory performance, faster stress reduction, better physical fitness and firmer skin are further positive consequences for the human organism. “Sleep disorders should therefore not be taken lightly,” advises Prof. Dr. Fietze.

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