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Hygge – a lifestyle with a feel-good atmosphere

Especially in times of coronavirus, it can’t be hygge enough for many people. But what exactly does hygge mean and what characterises this attitude to life?

Anyone who is interested in home trends or has been in the process of redesigning their own home will be familiar with the word “hygge”. After all, there has long been no getting around the Scandinavian interior design style. Especially in times of corona and also in the cold season, when we are devoting more and more time to our homes, it can’t be hygge enough for many people. But what exactly does hygge mean and what characterises this attitude to life?

What does hygge mean?

The word “hygge” comes from Danish and means something like “cosy” or “comfortable”. In German, the word – together with the corresponding adjective “hyggelig” – has even found its way into the Duden dictionary, where it is described as “cosiness, homeliness as a principle of life (in Denmark)”. So it’s not surprising that it’s not just the furnishings that are hyggelig, the word now also refers to many other situations and events in life. A cosy atmosphere full of warmth, well-being and comfort, preferably with family or surrounded by friends, plus good food and delicious drinks, a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere. We all live and love hygge.

Living happiness in hygge style

In Germany, hygge primarily refers to a living trend. Germans’ love of the Scandinavian interior design style is unbroken. Thanks to numerous furniture stores and designers, we have been able to embellish our homes with Nordic-style furniture, decorative items and accessories for many years now. From Scandinavian country house style to timeless minimalism, there are many interior design trends that fall under the umbrella term “Scandinavian”. The hygge style, which is relatively new in this country, combines some components of the well-known Nordic living trends and gives them a modern, individual and extremely cosy touch.

Hygge – cosiness in all rooms

If you want to furnish your home, and therefore your bedroom, in a hygge style, there are a few things you should bear in mind before you start in order to optimise your Scandinavian cosy living experience.

The colour scheme is therefore of crucial importance. Light colours such as white, cream and beige are the basic colours of choice in the hygge style. This is no coincidence, because in Scandinavia, including Denmark, it is often dull and dark for long periods in autumn and winter. White walls and furniture make the room appear much brighter, even when there is little light from outside. Warm natural colours and natural materials such as wood, wicker or cork ensure that the rooms do not appear sterile and undercooled despite the many shades of white. Small wooden side tables or a woven basket with magazines also work wonders here.
Colour accents can be created with accessories such as cushions, blankets or pictures. However, muted and uniform shades of colour or pastel tones should be used here too, as the hygge style tends not to be flashy, opulent and colourful. Soft textiles with different textures provide additional cosiness: blankets and cushions made of wool, cotton, linen and even furs can be used here.

Lamps with warm light are essential for the hygge living trend and can also be generously distributed throughout the room. Several floor and table lamps as well as fairy lights provide warm and indirect light for cosy, relaxed and inviting lighting. If you want a particularly cosy atmosphere, you can also use candles in pretty vessels, on trays or candlesticks as a decorative lighting and style element.
The cosy interplay of colours, furniture, textiles and light can be made even more hygge by adding accessories and plants. Personal items placed on a sideboard or side table, a beautiful photo or a souvenir from your last holiday give the rooms an individual touch. However, the motto should always be: Not too much and not too lavish, because less is often more.

Hygge bedroom furnishings

In addition to good sleep hygiene, cosy bedroom furnishings are absolutely conducive to restful sleep. It is therefore a good idea to implement the aforementioned features of the hygge furnishing style in the bedroom to create a relaxed and cosy sleeping atmosphere. An oasis of calm where you can escape the stress of everyday life and get a good night’s sleep.

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