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Oxytocin – How the cuddle hormone ensures relaxed sleep

Cuddling is fun! But why does the cuddling hormone qxytocin relax us, help us fall asleep and improve the quality of our sleep?
billerbeck Blog_Schlaf - Kuschelhormon Oxytocin

Cuddling is not only nice, it also promotes social bonding and ensures a relaxed sleep. Whether with a partner or children, cuddling releases oxytocin in the body. But what exactly does the hormone oxytocin have to do with restful sleep? Find out here at billerbeck, your sleep experts.

What exactly is oxytocin?

Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, is released in the pituitary gland in the brain through close physical contact such as touching, hugging and kissing and has many important functions with regard to social bonds and relationships.

The hormone relieves tension, provides reassurance, satisfaction and a feeling of trust and security. At the same time, anxiety and stress are reduced and we feel relaxed, balanced and happy. Due to these positive effects on our body, oxytocin – like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, for example – is categorised as a happiness hormone.

When is oxytocin released?

Physical contact is important for the release of oxytocin, but there are also other triggers for the release of the so-called cuddle hormone:

  • Sleeping in bed in a close embrace or close together with your partner, kissing or having sexual intercourse are three possible reasons for an increase in oxytocin levels in the blood. In addition, a massage or holding hands during a cosy walk together can also act as a trigger.
  • However, the neurotransmitter is not only released when cuddling and having sex with your partner. The hormone also plays an important role during labour, when cuddling the baby and during breastfeeding. Among other things, it stimulates labour during birth, influences the flow of breast milk during breastfeeding and strengthens the bond between mother and child.
  • Co-sleeping in the family bed, for example, demonstrates the positive influence of oxytocin on sleep. This is because mothers who sleep with their babies in a bed or with a co-sleeper directly next to the parents’ bed and cuddle with their offspring have a higher quality and duration of sleep than those whose children sleep in their own room from the start. Co-sleeping also has a strengthening effect on the social bond between father and children thanks to the release of oxytocin.
  • In addition, other pleasant events and activities can also promote the release of oxytocin, such as receiving a nice compliment, petting your pet or – generally speaking – doing things that you enjoy and that make you happy. Snuggling up in a cosy bed can also have the desired effect and ensure a relaxed and restful sleep.

Why does cuddling ensure restful sleep?

As already mentioned, cuddling is not only fun, it also helps you fall asleep and improves the quality of your sleep. The cosy snuggling up to your partner or another loved one and the associated release of oxytocin makes you feel content, calm and relaxed. Possible worries, grief and the stresses of work and everyday life recede into the distance. Stress is reduced, thus minimising one of the reasons for difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. You feel comfortable and safe, are happy and can fall asleep completely relaxed and carefree.

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