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Healthy through restful sleep and chicken soup

Scientific studies prove that sufficient sleep and homemade chicken soup help to fight a cold. Here is the recipe for the world’s best billerbeck chicken soup.
billerbeck-Blog gesunder Schlaf Hühnersuppe

Going to bed with aching limbs after a strenuous day and waking up fit and regenerated the next morning – that is the ideal idea of healthy sleep. And indeed, a peaceful, relaxed night’s sleep offers us exceptional opportunities to recuperate body and mind – in keeping with our motto: A perfect day begins AT NIGHT.

Too little sleep makes you ill

The importance of sufficient sleep for people’s health has often been scientifically proven. Studies, test series and sleep laboratories have shown time and again: People who don’t get enough sleep over the long term actually fall ill more quickly. This is because sufficient sleep strengthens our resistance to infections.

A hearty homemade chicken soup also helps us here as medicine for body and soul. It works wonders for colds, malaise and hangovers – it restores us. It has been scientifically proven that the ingredients in fresh chicken soup are effective against upper respiratory tract infections. They inhibit the activity of white blood cells, which are involved in cold processes. Our chef has spoilt us with the world’s best billerbeck chicken soup.

Recipe alla chef de cuisine world’s best “billerbeck chicken soup” for 4 people


1 soup chicken alternatively 3 chicken thighs or 2 small chickens

1 bowl of soup vegetables (leek, celery, carrots, parsley)

3 litres of water

1 onion

1 large tomato

salt and pepper


Place the soup chicken in a large pan with 3 litres of cold water and 1 teaspoon of salt and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, simply prepare the soup vegetables. Peel the celeriac, onion and carrots. Wash the leek, tomato, celeriac, carrots and onion and chop into small pieces. Bring everything to the boil briefly and simmer over a medium heat for approx. 1.5 hours.
For the chicken soup, remove the chicken from the bone, remove the fat, cut into small pieces and add back to the pot as a garnish.
Serve the soup sprinkled with parsley.

To make chicken stock, simply pass everything through a sieve and season with salt.

Tip: The chicken stock is suitable for freezing without the garnish.

Bon appétit!

Lack of sleep also favours obesity. If you haven’t slept enough at night, you feel hungrier during the day. You eat more and more often. And if you are overtired, you are listless and sluggish. In addition to the increased energy intake, less energy is burnt – a vicious circle.

Well-being: Slim while you sleep

Sufficient, restful sleep not only supports our health. Sufficient rest and relief for our body also helps us to stay slim. The regeneration metabolism during sleep is responsible for this. It repairs the cells that have been damaged during the day. Metabolic products are removed and disposed of. The body takes the energy source for this process mainly from fat cells. Sufficient sleep therefore helps to ensure that the metabolism can “work” in peace at night – in terms of fat burning, lymph drainage and tightening the connective tissue.

Slim while you sleep? So there is some truth to this myth. But unfortunately, sleeping alone does not ensure a dream figure. It merely helps the body to lose weight and stay slim.

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