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Save energy while you sleep

Save energy while you sleep: With these tips, you can easily reduce energy consumption in the bedroom.

Save energy in the bedroom: tips for an environmentally friendly night’s sleep

At a time when sustainability and energy efficiency are becoming increasingly important, awareness of our energy consumption plays a key role – especially in the bedroom. This is where we spend a significant part of our lives, and with a few simple adjustments we can not only protect the environment, but also significantly reduce our energy costs. Below you can find out how to save electricity and gas while you sleep, choose the right bedroom temperature, heat and ventilate your bedroom properly and avoid putting your appliances on standby.

Save electricity and gas while you sleep: turn down the heating at night

One of the most effective ways to save energy in the bedroom is to turn down the heating overnight. While we sleep, we don’t need the same amount of heat as during the day, and lowering the room temperature by just a few degrees can significantly reduce energy consumption. Experts recommend setting the heating to around 15 to 18 °C at night. This not only ensures energy-saving operation, but also promotes healthy sleep. This is because it is easier to fall asleep at this temperature and sleep is deeper and more restful. Temperatures above 20 degrees can impair the quality of sleep and also lead to unnecessarily high energy consumption. By adjusting the room temperature to this ideal range, you can not only sleep better, but also save energy.

Correct heating and ventilation in the bedroom

Effective heating and ventilation are key components to saving energy in the bedroom. Avoid leaving the window tilted overnight as this leads to significant heat loss. Instead, you should air the room before going to bed and immediately after getting up to improve the air quality without losing too much heat. Make sure that furniture or curtains do not cover the radiators to ensure efficient heat distribution in the room.

It’s so easy to save electricity in the bedroom

In addition to heat, the consumption of electrical energy in the bedroom is also an important aspect. Use energy-efficient LED lamps and switch off lights when they are not needed. Also consider using timers for appliances that do not need to be on all the time. This way, you can ensure that smartphone or laptop chargers, for example, only use electricity when they are really needed. You can also make your bedroom cosy with candles.

No standby mode in the bedroom:

Many electronic devices in the bedroom, such as televisions, computers or sound systems, also consume energy in stand-by mode. Even if this consumption per device may seem low, it adds up to a considerable amount over time. Therefore, switch off appliances completely when you are not using them or unplug them. An easy way to manage this is to use a switch-off power strip, which allows you to disconnect all connected appliances from the mains at the same time.

Find the right bedding for your individual sleeping needs and the perfect temperature under the duvet

Discover the perfect bedding that is precisely tailored to your personal sleeping needs. By carefully selecting the warmth levels of your duvet, you can optimally adjust to the changing seasons and the associated temperature fluctuations. After all, it’s not just the room temperature that counts for truly restful sleep, but also the cosy climate under your duvet. For summer nights, we recommend a cooling, lightweight SARI® silk duvet, which creates the ideal conditions for a good night’s sleep. For the cold winter months, a cosy down duvet is the perfect choice to keep you warm and cosy through the night. To round off your sleeping comfort, the moisture-regulating MULTILIND® topper made of virgin sheep’s wool ensures a balanced sleeping climate.

For a comprehensive overview, visit our online shop at www.billerbeck.shop. Our customer advisors will also be happy to provide you with personal advice – simply contact us by phone on +49 7250-750 or by e-mail at shopping@billerbeck.shop.


Saving energy in the bedroom is possible with a few simple adjustments and contributes significantly to a more sustainable lifestyle. By turning down the heating, choosing the right bedroom temperature, heating and ventilating efficiently, using electricity consciously and avoiding standby mode, you can not only protect the environment but also significantly reduce your energy costs.

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