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Sleep aid and home remedies to help you sleep through the night

Thanks to home remedies and sleep aid, you can fall asleep faster and sleep through the night better. We show you what really helps.

Our everyday and professional lives are so busy and challenging that most of us are completely exhausted and tired in the evening. However, more and more people are finding it difficult to fall asleep and sleeping through the night is also a problem for many. We’ve probably all been there: as soon as we lie in bed, our heads start spinning. Conflicts are worked through or upcoming tasks are organised and reconsidered in our heads. But joyful events can also make it difficult to fall asleep.

As sleep experts, we would like to give you some helpful sleep aid and home remedies for sleeping through the night in this article, which can help you to finally fall asleep and sleep through the night again. With our advice and tips, you can easily improve your ability to fall asleep and sleep through the night, which can lead to a much more restful sleep experience overall.

Sleep hormone melatonin – Is this sleep aid really so successful?

Why not use the sleep hormone melatonin right away? Because it is now available over the counter in the form of sprays and tablets. However, the effectiveness of the preparations has not yet been proven in studies, as several factors are responsible for falling asleep successfully and quickly and for a good night’s sleep, not just the sleep hormone melatonin as a sleep aid. In fact, experts advise against premature self-medication. Melatonin preparations are particularly taboo for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and people suffering from depression.

Sleeping through the night thanks to a sleep mask

While some people have no difficulty sleeping in bright and indirect light, others find that any light, no matter how small, robs them of sleep. Additional darkening, thicker and opaque curtains or even a sleep mask can quickly and easily help some people who have problems falling asleep and staying asleep.

Earplugs an effective sleep aid for noise

If noises become a problem when falling asleep, at night or early in the morning, we recommend using earplugs to block out noise as much as possible and make it easier to fall asleep and sleep through the night. These are now available in different sizes and made from different materials, so there is a suitable pair of earplugs for everyone and nothing should stand in the way of a peaceful night’s sleep.

Travelling to the land of dreams with a book

Relaxing and calming down is particularly important as an aid to falling asleep. A bedtime ritual that is tailored to your personal needs and preferences can be very helpful here. Before going to bed, you can take time to read a good book or listen to an audio book read by a pleasant voice to help you fall asleep.

Using gentle relaxation music to help you fall asleep

Listening to gentle relaxation music and reflecting on the beautiful and fulfilling moments of the past day can help you to fall asleep, consciously shut down your body and mind, relax and prepare for sleep.

Ayurvedic drink: Moonmilk made from the sleeping berry, helps you fall asleep

Moonmilk, a mixture of oat, nut or soya milk, various spices, honey and the Ayurvedic sleeping berry (in powder form), is not an everyday and well-known household remedy. The sleeping berry, also known as ashwagandha, belongs to the nightshade family. As the berries of the plant itself are very poisonous, only the roots and leaves of the sleeping berry are used in the Indian healing art of Ayurveda. The calming ingredients of moonmilk are said to promote sleep, which is why it is recommended to enjoy the Ayurvedic hot drink before going to bed.

Better light than rich: chicken soup in the evening for restful sleep

No matter how tasty it is, late-night snacking, an overly sumptuous dinner and food that is difficult to digest are real sleep killers. Light meals such as a warming chicken soup or a delicious vegetable soup, on the other hand, are ideal for falling asleep quickly and getting a good night’s sleep. You are welcome to help yourself here.

Fall asleep better with herbal tea or hot milk with honey: soothing and delicious

Many people drink too little water throughout the day and then make up for it in the evening. The result is a frequent urge to urinate at night, which disturbs sleep and sometimes drives those affected out of bed several times. It is therefore advisable to drink fluids regularly and consciously during the day – preferably in the form of still water, herbal or fruit tea.

Especially before going to bed, sleep-promoting drinks such as lavender tea, certain herbal teas or hot milk with honey are suitable for helping the body to calm down.

Our tip: In the case of sleep disorders such as problems falling asleep and staying asleep that last longer than about 3 months, a doctor should always be consulted. In the case of minor, short-term or irregular impairments of sleep behaviour, the above-mentioned aid and home remedies can already achieve noticeable progress.

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