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Sleep and Health Foundation – billerbeck-Stiftung Schlaf & Gesundheit®

Using the latest scientific findings in sleep research, the billerbeck Sleep and Health Foundation develops innovative duvets, pillows, toppers and mattresses.

Decades of experience and expertise

For over 50 years, billerbeck has been researching healthy sleep in collaboration with science and translating the findings into outstanding innovative bedding products. The goal: healthy and restful sleep and therefore a great deal of quality of life.

At billerbeck, we never limit ourselves to the production of bedding, but always have the big picture in mind. The question was: How should duvets, pillows, toppers and mattresses be designed to promote the best possible and healthy sleep?

Progress and innovation through sleep research

Gerd Billerbeck, son of company founder Heinrich Billerbeck, was already working intensively on these issues 50 years ago, also on the basis of scientific research at the time. Numerous investigations and studies were carried out, focussing on duvet fillings and materials, the requirements for a good night’s sleep and the right bedding. Among other things, the focus was on thermal insulation, air permeability, moisture balance, weight and the importance of lying surfaces and how they can provide relief and relaxation. As a result of this thirst for knowledge, Gerd Billerbeck finally founded the billerbeck Sleep and Health Foundation in 1985. With this approach, we were far ahead of everyone else in the field of sleep research and product development. Because the basis for the development of a product was the human being and his sleeping habits. Scientific findings, responsibility and realisation in production have characterised our approach ever since and set standards for an entire industry – and still do today.

Pioneer in the bedding industry yesterday and today

billerbeck Germany is still the most important production site of the billerbeck Group when it comes to high-quality down, fibre and natural hair duvets. The company’s creative team works together with experts from the Schlaf & Gesundheit® foundation to develop outstanding and well-founded solutions for restful sleep. In addition, a competence network of organisations and institutions that have rendered outstanding services to sleep and health through their work is integrated. The development of new duvets and pillows not only utilises visual features, but also innovations from the field of state-of-the-art high-tech materials.

Good sleep is one of the secrets of a happy life. Doctors and psychologists alike are on the trail of this phenomenon. The experts’ credo is: material, design and hygiene together make a decisive contribution to good nights that are worthy of the name. Each of our products starts with the latest findings from sleep research. This well-thought-out beginning is continued in the subsequent manufacturing steps. A good reputation obliges. In this way, we have been reliably supplying the industry with new sleep solutions for decades.

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