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Sleep tourism – holidays for relaxed sleep

A long-awaited dream for many – to finally fall asleep, sleep in and sleep through the night. That’s why sleep tourism is becoming increasingly popular.
billerbeck Blog Schlaftourismus - Urlaub für entspannten Schlaf

Even if it is not yet on everyone’s lips, sleep tourism is the latest trend when it comes to travelling. In our fast-paced society, characterised by hectic pace and stress, high levels of pressure in our professional and private lives and constant availability due to smartphones, emails and social media, more and more people are finding it increasingly difficult to switch off. Problems falling asleep and staying asleep are therefore becoming more common, as the carousel of thoughts spins in bed in the evening and sleep and relaxation are often neglected. This is where sleep tourism comes in. Find out from the billerbeck sleep expert what exactly this means and how useful sleep tourism is.

Sleep tourism – holidays with a high relaxation factor

More and more hotels and resorts are advertising special rooms and suites designed for optimal sleep, where holidaymakers can get plenty of rest. In the case of sleep tourism, the focus of the holiday is not on sightseeing, boisterous parties, wellness or a visit to the beach, but on sleeping. The central location of a sleep holiday is therefore the hotel room or bed. Particularly cosy and comfortable bedding and the best possible sleeping environment are a matter of course in these hotels.

Some hotels also offer their own sleep treatments, which are designed to be particularly restorative. These include massages, sound and aromatherapy, yoga and meditation. Some resorts have extra sleep coaches to help guests seeking relaxation on their way to a good night’s sleep as quickly as possible. Sleep analyses are also carried out in some hotels in order to get to the bottom of the cause of the lack of sleep.

Tackling sleep deprivation with sleep tourism

All this may make some people smile. But sleep tourism certainly has a raison d’être that could turn it from a mere trend into an established form of holiday. After all, the number of people suffering from sleep problems is growing all the time. As already mentioned, the great demands and stresses of everyday life, family and work are real sleep robbers for many. Those who don’t get enough rest and sleep at night suffer from tiredness and fatigue the next day, are exhausted, unfocussed and less productive, but still can’t fall asleep in the evening due to the spinning carousel of thoughts. Sleep tourism could be a quick and easy way to escape this vicious circle, at least temporarily, to take a deep breath and calm down. By focussing on the very thing that is neglected in life at home: getting enough sleep.

How useful is sleep tourism?

Of course, it makes sense to switch off, rest and get plenty of sleep on holiday, especially if this is not really possible at home. Sleeping tourism can therefore be a tried and tested form of holiday for all those who simply want to sleep and do not attach great importance to an exciting and eventful trip.

Hotels that offer special sleep packages can be found all over the world. In rural areas, for example in the Alps, but also in large cities such as London or New York, you can be happy as a sleep tourist. Of course, you might ask why you should travel to London or New York just to spend your holiday in the immediate vicinity of or in bed. As long journeys across different time zones also disrupt the sleep-wake rhythm, a long-distance trip for the purpose of sleep tourism could have the opposite effect. However, even hotels and resorts closer to home are often not necessarily cost-effective – a disadvantage of this wonderful tourism concept in itself.

How does sleep tourism promote sleep?

Accommodations that have special offers for sleep tourists in their programme often offer their guests special bedding that is designed to promote sleep. Comfortable and pressure-relieving mattresses on which to lie cosily as well as bedding that makes sleep as pleasant as possible. Some hotels use Swiss stone pine, whether in furniture, wall panelling or duvets and pillows. Fine Swiss stone pine shavings are added to the bedding filling, which emits essential oils and thus offers guests a greater sense of well-being.
Our billerbeck range also includes Swiss stone pine bedding, such as the Zirberella Swiss stone pine duvet or the Zirberella Swiss stone pine pillow for anyone looking for relaxation and better sleep at home. For those who like to travel, we recommend our ergonomic Traveller neck support pillow, which allows you to sleep well on holiday, regardless of where you sleep.

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