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Sleep as a source of energy: physical performance and regeneration

Many of the body’s regeneration and storage processes take place during sleep. But why does sufficient sleep protect us from illness, for example, or is it important for the healing process of injuries?

Many of the body’s regeneration and storage processes take place during sleep. The quality of sleep is important in order to be able to react to previous stress.

The body’s rebuilding and repair processes take place during deep sleep in particular. This is due to the increased release of hormones, which favours muscle growth and strengthens bone density. Sleep provides fundamental protection against illness. It is important for the healing process of injuries, as the immune system and defences work particularly effectively at night.

A positive side effect of the nightly regeneration work: The body uses energy for these activities, which is taken from fat reserves. Even if not as many calories are burned as during sport, for example, the total energy consumption is remarkable. The body carries out digestive processes and stabilises the fat balance. The hormones leptin and ghrelin play a special role. While leptin is responsible for the feeling of satiety and, in higher concentrations, increases energy consumption, ghrelin controls appetite and causes the feeling of hunger. Sleep disorders have been shown to reduce leptin secretion, while ghrelin production increases. As a result, we eat more food than we actually need.

Our metabolism works at full speed at night

Getting enough sleep ensures that the metabolism can work at night, promotes fat burning, lymphatic drainage and the tightening of connective tissue. Sleep behaviour should be combined with a healthy lifestyle, especially a balanced diet. When we sleep, an important part of digestion is active and should not be disturbed by eating too late or too much. Ideally, there should be four hours between dinner and bedtime. The minimum should be two hours.

During a diet, people who get enough sleep mainly lose fat!
Those who sleep little, on the other hand, mainly lose important muscle mass. Scientists attribute this result to the fact that short sleepers produce more appetite-stimulating ghrelin. It curbs the energy metabolism and prevents fat stores from being broken down.

Everyone needs enough time at night to regenerate in order to perform well during the day!

Sleep is therefore important for physical and mental recovery. Sleep makes you smarter by giving the brain time to process and categorise information. Sleep makes you strong by building, repairing and protecting the body. And sleep makes you beautiful by regenerating the skin and breaking down fat.

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