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The best tips against spring fatigue

Spring is finally here! The first rays of sunshine lift our spirits. The warmth and the sun make us more active and more productive? The opposite usually happens: We are hit by the famous spring fatigue. We have an increased need for sleep, feel listless, unfocussed, listless and listless.

Spring fatigue – nature awakens, people get tired

Spring is finally here! The first rays of sunshine lift our spirits. The warmth and the sun make us more active and more productive? The opposite usually happens: We suffer from the famous spring fatigue. We have an increased need for sleep, feel listless and unfocussed.

Why is this actually the case and what can we do about it?

The short phase of sleepiness is not usually dramatic. After a few days, the tiredness should disappear of its own accord and you can enjoy spring to the full. Experts attribute this to hormonal changes and the effects of fluctuating temperatures on the body. Incidentally, spring fatigue does not necessarily affect everyone to the same extent. Weather-sensitive people and people with low blood pressure feel the change of season more keenly; these are more often women than men, and older people also complain more often about spring fatigue.

What causes spring fatigue?

Reason 1: Brightness
In spring, the body switches from winter to summer. When the days get longer and the nights shorter, our body wakes up from its ‘hibernation’. It first has to get used to a new rhythm. When it is light for longer, many people go to bed later and wake up earlier. They therefore sleep less and feel tired and sleepy during the day.

Reason 2: Rising temperatures
The body also has to slowly get used to rising temperatures. In winter we have a slightly lower core temperature than in summer. When it gets warmer again, the body adapts with a typical reaction. The blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops. This adaptation strains the body and also makes us tired. This is why spring fatigue usually sets in after it has been warm for a few days.

Reason 3: Hormones are going crazy

Hormones play an important role in springtime fatigue, as they have to rebalance themselves. The stores of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a ‘good mood’ in the body, are relatively empty after a long, dark winter. This is because serotonin is produced in the brain from the amino acid tryptophan. However, this requires plenty of daylight. When we spend more time outdoors again in spring, the body produces more serotonin. At the same time, it reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. As this is not regulated, the body becomes confused. Sometimes serotonin predominates, sometimes melatonin. This change puts a strain on the body. That’s why we get tired. This change can take up to a month.

Reason 4: the time change at the end of March causes a mini jet lag

The time change at the end of March also puts the body to sleep. Many people suffer from increased problems falling asleep, sleep disorders and tiredness during the day in the days following the time change. In most cases, the symptoms disappear quite quickly.

What can you do to combat spring fatigue?

Tip 1: Exercise in the fresh air
If you want to overcome spring tiredness quickly, it’s best to get your circulation going. You should get plenty of fresh air and enjoy the daylight. Exercise or walks outdoors supply the body with oxygen and stimulate the circulation. The sun boosts serotonin production, which lifts your mood. It is therefore best not to wear sunglasses when going for a walk. This allows more light to reach the body via the retina of the eye. Cold showers, hot and cold baths or massages can also be helpful.

Tip 2: Plan rest periods
Allow your body to rest. If possible, take a short nap or power nap. However, this should not last longer than 30 minutes, otherwise the body will produce melatonin again.

Tip 3: A balanced diet
Fresh and healthy foods give us new energy. Some freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice in the morning is not only healthy, but also lifts your mood. A varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables provides the body with an extra portion of vitamins and minerals.

Tip 4: Adjust your sleep rhythm
It is best to slowly adjust your sleep rhythm to the new circumstances. If you wake up earlier, you should also go to bed earlier. Darkening the room can also help here.

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