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Talking in your sleep

This phenomenon of unconsciously talking at night is known as somniloquia. But what exactly is it and when does night-time chatter occur particularly frequently?

Talking in your sleep – unconscious communicativeness

Talkativeness is not tied to a specific time of day. Some people are particularly communicative during the day, while others talk while they sleep. This phenomenon of unconsciously talking at night is known as somniloquia. In the following, we will explain in more detail what exactly is meant by this and when night-time chatter occurs particularly frequently.

What do people talk about in their sleep?

The type of talking during sleep can vary greatly: Some sufferers articulate themselves quite clearly at night, sometimes uttering whole sentences. Longer or shorter soliloquies are just as possible as shouting swear words or shouting loudly. Some sleep talkers even react to being spoken to and unconsciously answer questions – sometimes more, sometimes less confused. Others, on the other hand, only babble incomprehensible fragments of words or mumble to themselves. However and whatever is spoken during sleep, what all those affected have in common is that they do not remember their nocturnal utterances, as these are made completely unconsciously in the middle of sleep.

Talking in your sleep – especially in the dream phase

During the REM phase of sleep – the phase of intense eye movements associated with dreaming – people with REM sleep apnoea talk particularly frequently. During this phase, the body’s muscle tone is reduced, but the heart rate tends to increase. During dreaming, some people unconsciously become real chatterboxes in this REM section, while others remain silent. Mental stress, such as stress in everyday life or at work, but also feverish illnesses or the consumption of alcohol can additionally promote talking during sleep.

Talking at night is not harmful

This much in advance: somniloquy is usually completely harmless and does not normally affect the quality of sleep – apart from possibly disturbing your partner’s sleep. Talking in your sleep is relatively rare in adulthood. In children, on the other hand, talking at night is widespread. Around every second child utters individual words or whole sentences during sleep. With the end of puberty, however, talking at night decreases more and more.

Preventing speech during sleep

Somniloquia is a behavioural abnormality that occurs during sleep, but it is not a disease. Therefore, talking in your sleep does not usually need to be treated in any way. However, if your partner’s sleep or even your own sleep is permanently affected by somniloquia, certain measures can be taken to consciously prevent night-time talking.

Relaxation techniques, meditation and yoga can help with stress. Diet can also play a role here: eating hard-to-digest food shortly before bedtime and drinking alcohol, cigarettes or coffee can have a negative effect on sleep. Those affected should also take care to develop a balanced sleep rhythm, i.e. to sleep regularly and sufficiently according to their internal clock and their personal sleep needs.

Please note: If there is a suspicion that there may be underlying causes for talking in your sleep – such as psychological stress or similar – a specialist should be consulted in order to achieve an improvement in the symptoms.

The right bedding for restful sleep

The sleeping environment should also be conducive to restful sleep. A pleasant temperature in the bedroom, suitable sleepwear, an optimal mattress and suitable bedding create the ideal atmosphere in which you can sleep peacefully and relaxed.

We will be happy to advise you in your search for the ideal bedding for a restful and restful sleep!

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