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Fall asleep better – our tip against cold feet in bed

As a rule, women suffer from cold feet more often than men, but why is this and what can you do about it? Our tips will help against cold feet in bed.

Why do we so often have cold feet in bed?

As a rule, women suffer from cold feet more often than men, but why is that?

It could be because women produce less heat due to their smaller muscles or body mass. Unfortunately, this has not yet been clearly proven.

People with low blood pressure also often complain of “ice legs” and have difficulty falling asleep due to cold feet.

It is extremely important for the sleeper that the temperature of the feet does not drop, as the skin here is particularly sensitive to the cold.

If the temperature drops by just half a degree, the sleeper is disturbed by the cold feet and wakes up.

The temperature of the feet is generally lower than the temperature of the upper part of the body, as they are better supplied with blood. The average temperature of the forehead is 35 °C. The temperature of the feet is only 31.6 °C.

Fall asleep better – our tip against cold feet in bed:

Kneipp foot baths help to stimulate blood circulation, because you can only fall asleep relaxed with warm feet. To ensure that you sleep well through the night, your feet must be kept warm. A comforter of a sufficient size is particularly important here.

But the comfortably warm, light and cuddly billerbeck SLEEPIES® sleeping shoes are also wonderful aids to falling asleep.

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