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The best tips for falling asleep from a sleep expert

Difficulty falling asleep is a widespread phenomenon. If this happens not just occasionally but regularly, problems falling asleep can become a serious burden. As sleep experts from billerbeck, we can give you the best tips for falling asleep.

How can I fall asleep better?

Difficulty falling asleep is a widespread phenomenon. If this occurs not just occasionally, but regularly, problems falling asleep can become a serious burden. As sleep experts from billerbeck, we give you the best tips on how to fall asleep.

1. Tip for falling asleep:

Nutrition influences the quality of sleep

“A full belly doesn’t like to study”, as the saying goes. The same applies to falling asleep. A full stomach with rich, hard-to-digest food makes it much more difficult to fall asleep. Eat a light meal in the evening, preferably nothing at all 1-2 hours before going to bed and avoid stimulants such as coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Alcohol also impairs the quality of sleep and should be avoided if you have problems falling asleep.

2. Tip for falling asleep:

Regular sleep rhythm: Fixed times to fall asleep and switch off

Regular bedtimes and rituals support a good night’s sleep. This is because your body gets used to fixed rest and sleep times. The background: constantly varying sleeping times disrupt the body’s sleep-wake rhythm. Think of it like a mini jet lag. It is important to set yourself the goal of really relaxing and switching off. As the mind continues to “work” and thinking keeps you from sleeping, the best way to start the rest period is with positive and distracting things. Build in a sleep ritual before going to bed to help you fall asleep; this can include calm music, audio books or relaxation techniques. If it’s not a psychological thriller or crime novel, reading a good book can also help to calm you down.

3. Tip for falling asleep:

Body and activity

Until the evening, you should find a good mix of exercise and relaxation. Distraction from stress and work is important for this. As a tip for falling asleep, try not to exercise immediately before going to bed. Sport and physical exercise are generally an effective way to improve sleep. Only in the evening hours should the body no longer be put into high gear.

4. Tip for falling asleep:

Switch off the head cinema

Until the evening, you should find a good mix of exercise and relaxation. Distraction from stress and work is important for this. As a tip for falling asleep, try not to exercise immediately before going to bed. Sport and physical exercise are generally an effective way to improve sleep. Only in the evening hours should the body no longer be put into high gear.

5. Tip for falling asleep:

Breathing exercise to help you fall asleep

You can actively influence your body with controlled breathing. Try this breathing exercise:

  • First, breathe out completely through your mouth until your lungs are completely empty.
  • Then breathe in slowly through your nose for about 4 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds and then breathe out through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Repeat this exercise until it takes effect. You will soon notice how a warm feeling spreads through your stomach and your arms and legs relax and become heavy.

6. Tip for falling asleep:

Turn your bedroom into an oasis of well-being

Make your bedroom a real feel-good place. Take this tip to heart and fall asleep well in a place where you feel safe, secure and simply at ease. Before going to bed, make sure you have fresh air, a well-ventilated bed and a generally comfortable temperature in the room. Switch off the TV and smartphone early. It is better to let your pets sleep outside your bed.

The sleeping environment is crucial for restful nights. It is important that the bedroom is not overheated. The ideal temperature is around 18 °C. Draughts also prevent you from falling asleep. It should be cozy and warm under the comforter before you fall asleep. However, an electric blanket or similar aids prevent you from sleeping peacefully and should be removed in good time.

We support you if you have problems falling asleep: To help you feel really comfortable in your bed and fall asleep better, we have everything you need to turn your bed into a sleeping paradise. From mattresses and toppers to wonderful comforters and comfortable pillows, we offer everything your heart desires.

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